MS® Residential Reverse Osmosis Membrane

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MS® Residential Reverse Osmosis Membrane Elements are mainly applicable to various water purification systems, such as home drinking RO system, commercial water purification. It can remove microorganisms, virus, metal ions, carcinogens and other soluble salt from water effectively. We often supply 50GPD, 75GPD and 100GPD RO membrane elements for home use and higher flow elements for office RO system.

Residential Reverse Osmosis Elements


 ● Direct drinking machine                                                       ● Household water 

 ● Commercial water                                                               ● Purifying devices in hospital and laboratory

 ● Water Store                                                                        ● Bottled water

 ● Hotels and restaurants





Model A inch (mm) B inch (mm) C inch (mm) D inch (mm)
ROULP-1812-50 11.7 (298) 1.8 (44.5) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-1812-60 11.7 (298) 1.8 (44.5) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-1812-75 11.7 (298) 1.8 (44.5) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-1812-80 11.7 (298) 1.8 (44.5) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-012-100 11.7 (298) 2.0 (48.2) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP2012-150 11.7 (298) 2.0 (48.2) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-2812-200 11.7 (298) 2.8 (71.1) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-3012-300 11.7 (298) 3.0 (76.2) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-3012-400 11.7 (298) 3.0 (76.2) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-3012-500 11.7 (298) 3.0 (76.2) 0.67 (17) 0.82 (21)
ROULP-3013-400 12.9 (328) 2.7 (68.0) 0.67 (17) 0.75 (19)


Model Average Permeated Flow Stable Rejection Rate (%) Minimum Rejection Rate (%) Testing Pressure (psi)
GPD (m3/d)
ROULP-1812-50 50 (0.2) 97 95 60
ROULP-1812-60 60 (0.23) 93 91 45
ROULP-1812-75 75 (0.28) 97 95 60
ROULP1812A80 80 (0.30) 97 95 60
ROULP-2012-100 100 (0.40) 96 95 60
ROULP-2012-150 150 (0.57) 95 93 60
ROULP-2812-200 200 (0.76) 97 95 100
ROULP-3012-300 300 (1.14) 97 95 100
ROULP-3012-400 400 (1.52) 97 95 100
ROULP-3012-500 500 (1.90) 97 95 100
ROULP-3013-400 400 (1.52) 97 95 100

 Testing Conditions 

Testing Solution Concentration (NaCl) 250 ppm
Testing Solution Temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
pH Value of Testing Solution 7.5
Recovery Rate of Single Element 15%

Operation Limits and Conditions 

Max. Feedwater Temperature 45 °C (113 °F)
Max. Working Pressure 20.7 bar (300 psi)
Max. Feedwater Flow 7.6 LPM (2.0 GPM)
pH Range of Feedwater during Continuous Operation 3-10
Max. Feedwater SDI15 5
Residual chlorine Concentration of Feedwater ≤0.1 ppm

Points of Attention

  • The permeate flow listed in the table is the average value. The permeate flow of single membrane element is with a tolerance not exceeding ±15%.
  • Any specific application must be limited within the Operating Limits and Conditions. All data and information provided in this manual have been obtained from long-term experiment by Membrane Solutions, LLC. Discard the RO-filtered water produced during the first one hour after system star-up.

Order Online

Item# Description Qty per pack
ROULP-1812-50 Residential RO Membrane Element, 1812, 50GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-1812-60 Residential RO Membrane Element, 1812, 60GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-1812-75 Residential RO Membrane Element, 1812, 75GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-1812-80 Residential RO Membrane Element, 1812, 80GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-2012-100 Residential RO Membrane Element, 2012, 100GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-2012-150 Residential RO Membrane Element, 2012, 150GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-2812-200 Residential RO Membrane Element, 2812, 200GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-3012-300 Residential RO Membrane Element, 3012, 300GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-3012-400 Residential RO Membrane Element, 3012, 400GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-3012-500 Residential RO Membrane Element, 3012, 500GPD 1 (pcs)
ROULP-3013-400 Residential RO Membrane Element, 3013, 400GPD 1 (pcs)

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